
Online retreats

Jane Redmont (Redmont Retreats)
Online Retreats

1. Mindfulness / multireligious retreats (usually six weeks long)
Hurry Up and Slow Down (offered many times)
Spirituality and Social Media
2. Long retreats / Christian / seasonal / Advent
Waiting in the Night, Welcoming the Dawn: A Mindful Advent
Waiting in the Night: Spirit and Struggle in Advent
Whirlwinds and Waiting: Advent Peace in Turbulent Times
Awake in Advent: Living God’s Patience and God’s Impatience
Dark Radiance: An African/American Advent
Remembering Forward: The Time of Advent
A Yearning World: Advent Awakenings with Dorothy Day.
3. Long retreats / Christian / seasonal / Lent
Desert Journey, Daily Bread (offered twice)
Thomas Merton, Companion on the Way
Wise Brother Merton at 100
Peace in the Struggle: Lent with Thomas Merton
Lent with Dietrich Bonhoeffer
4. Long retreats / Christian / seasonal / November-All Saints
Companions in Justice, Companions in Prayer: A Month of Memory
Saints Alive! Companions in Memory, Companions in Hope
5. Short retreats (9-day intensive retreats aka “novena retreats”)
Dorothy Day
Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz
Thomas Merton
Dorothee Soelle
William Stringfellow
Howard Thurman
Online Support and Resource Groups
Taking Care of Ourselves While Taking Care of Others
Online Courses (non-credit, adult education)
Beyond “Selma”: Faith and the Freedom Movement
Bonhoeffer in His Times and Ours
Naming Mystery, Living Justice: Spirituality and Liturgy in Feminist Perspective
Radical Hope in Hard Time: Theology for Living (North)
Course-Retreats (combination of class and retreat)
Soelle in Summer: Challenge and Wonder
Praise for "Hurry Up and Slow Down"
Last fall, when I felt as if I had NO TIME, and I mean NONE, to do anything, because I was so busy, I signed up for this retreat.

What a big gift I gave myself... I did not have much time, so having some focused time to replenish my spirit was great.

Highly recommended!
--Fran Rossi Szpylczyn, New York
The "Hurry Up and Slow Down" retreat was one of the most valuable I have ever experienced, because, it encourages the participants to take nuggets of time on a regular basis for guided reflection and renewal, rather than trying to devote a whole weekend or several evenings to the pursuit. It's well done and well worth the time commitment as well as the money.
--Joanne Fisher, Michigan

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