
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Summer session 2014: online retreats!

Online retreats are back... with a whole season full of choices!

Details and registration instructions at the links highlighted in bright yellow below. Registration is now open for the first two retreats of the summer.

Here is a quick look at the summer offerings (June 19 to September 15):

Hurry Up and Slow Down: 
Spiritual Practices for Daily Life

A six week online retreat
techniques and inspiration
for slowing down
in this busy world
and for living more mindfully --
wherever you are,
whoever you are,
whatever your schedule.
offered twice!
early summer:  June 19 - July 30
late summer: August 3 - September 13

see here for full details/registration
about "Hurry Up and Slow Down" 

Novena Retreats

For some, it is easier to commit to a short time (in this case, nine days) during which there is focused reflection, meditation, and prayer each day. You may, of course, take more than one of these short online retreats.

Each retreat uses as its inspiration the writings and the life of one person:

June 24 - July 2 - Dorothy Day      details/registration info here

July 7-15 - William Stringfellow    details/registration info here

July 21-29 - Dorothee Soelle             details/registration info here

August 4-12 - Howard Thurman    details/registration info here

August 18-26 - Ada María Isasi-Díaz   rescheduled for winter!

September 8-15 - Thomas Merton    details/ registration info here

These are retreats, not classes. There are readings, but they are very short and meant to be pondered and used as a springboard for prayer and action.

Do you have questions or concerns after reading the retreat descriptions, here and on the linked pages? E-mail me.

Top two photos (c) Jane Redmont (2013, 2014)

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