
Thursday, July 9, 2015

Summer online programs: information and registration

Summer Online Offerings
July 6 to September 26

 (c) Jane Redmont
Registration is now open for the first three retreats of the summer.
See below for announcement of all the retreats and for links to each retreat's information-and-registration page.

Hurry Up and Slow Down:
Spiritual Practices for Daily Life

A six week online retreat
techniques and inspiration
for slowing down
in this busy world

for living more mindfully --
wherever you are,
whoever you are,
whatever your schedule.

offered twice!
early summer: July 9 - August 18
late summer: August 16 - September 26
see here for full details and registration 

Novena Retreats

with inspiring companions
For many of us, it may be easier to commit to a shorter length of time (in this case, nine days, hence the name "Novena") during which there is focused reflection, meditation, and prayer each day.

You may, of course, take more than one of these short online retreats.

Each retreat uses as its inspiration 
the life and writings
of a contemporary Christian
who has combined deep spiritual roots and practice
with active commitment to the work of justice.

July 6-14 ~ Howard Thurman              Registration has begun. See here for details.

and see below...

July 20-28 ~ Dorothy Day                    Registration has begun. See here for details.

Aug. 3-11 ~ William Stringfellow        Registration has begun. See here for details.     

Aug. 17-25 ~ Ada María Isasi-Díaz              Details/registration forthcoming

Aug. 31 - Sept. 8 ~ Dorothee Soelle      Registration has begun. See here for details.

Sept. 14-22 ~ Pauli Murray                             Details/ registration forthcoming

These are retreats, not classes.
There are readings, 
but the readings are short: 
they are meant to be pondered 
and used as a springboard 
for prayer and action.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Taking Care of Ourselves
Taking Care of Others

A month-long 
combination of 
retreat, support group, and resource sharing
for caregivers: 
parents and foster parents, 
adult children of aging parents
people caring for a sick partner or spouse, 
professional caregivers 
(social workers, therapists, psychologists, nurses, clergy),
community organizers and teachers,
and anyone 
who expends a lot of time and energy
with and for others.

Topics will include time, sleep, community, solitude,
living with difficult feelings, and spiritual practice.
(Persons of any and no religious affiliation are most welcome.)

July 18-August 21           Registration is still open. See here.
plus an optional extra week, Aug. 22-28

Do you have questions or concerns after reading the retreat descriptions, here and on the linked pages with more details? (Make sure you read those.) E-mail me.

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