
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hurry Up and Slow Down -- late summer edition!

Last fall, when I felt as if I had NO TIME, and I mean NONE, to do anything, because I was so busy, I signed up for this retreat. What a big gift I gave myself... Having some focused time to replenish my spirit was great. Highly recommended!
--Fran Rossi Szpylczyn, New York

The "Hurry Up and Slow Down" retreat was one of the most valuable I have ever experienced, because it encourages the participants to take nuggets of time on a regular basis for guided reflection and renewal, rather than trying to devote a whole weekend or several evenings to the pursuit. It's well done and well worth the time commitment as well as the money.
--Joanne Fisher, Michigan
"Hurry Up and Slow Down"

begins August 16

(c) Jane Redmont 2013
What, when, where

* A 6-week online retreat, August 16-September 26 

* At home, in your daily life, 15 minutes a day

* Simple, accessible, gently focused on practice, with spiritual exercises

* Each week of the retreat has an anchoring theme:

* Suitable for those who are religiously affiliated as well as for those who consider themselves spiritual, but not religious.

* If you think you don't have time for "Hurry Up and Slow Down," you're exactly the person who will benefit from it.

See below for details.

Hurry Up and Slow Down is a spiritual retreat accompanying your daily life. It offers guidance, but it is not an academic class with a lot of reading. It is simple, accessible, and gently focused on practice -- the "how" of living every day mindfully and reverently, in a way that suits our own circumstances and takes into account how busy we are. Each week will have a theme or anchor. The weekly themes will be rich and basic:
* mindfulness * breath * place *
* time * community * earth *

These themes can be building blocks of spiritual practice, whether we are religiously affiliated or not.

Every week, with the theme of the week, will include four components, offered each Sunday and accompanying you throughout the week:

1. Awareness of the week's theme:
Taking stock, naming, asking and answering questions, doing a little writing (or drawing if we are more visually inclined).
2. Inspiration:
A short reading, an image, an insight, a bit of wisdom about the theme for us to ponder during the week.
3. Practice:
An exercise related to the week's theme, a concrete how-to that we can incorporate into our daily life throughout the week.
4. Tradition(s):
Some insights into the week's theme from the experience and wisdom of more than one religious tradition. We are not the first to grapple with the themes of our retreat and we are not alone.


The retreat begins Sunday, August 16.

Registration will remain open till the third day of the retreat, though beginning the first day will give you more breathing space, literally and figuratively.

To register, please e-mail your intention to take the retreat to Jane Redmont.


$110 early bird rate (till the end of the day Thursday, August 13).

$125 if you register between Friday, August 14 and Tuesday, August 18.

Some discounts are available for those in financial hardship. Talk to me.


Payment is non-refundable and due upon registration, by check or online electronic payment.

If you prefer paying by check, I will send you the mailing address when you write me to register. 

If you prefer to pay online by credit card or PayPal, please click the appropriate button below to pay via the Redmont Retreats secure PayPal account.  (Note: you don't have to have your own PayPal account to use this secure online payment method.)

LATE SUMMER HUASD RETREAT (begins Sunday, August 16, 2015)

Retreat fee (choose one)

An online retreat? How does that work?

An online retreat offers retreat resources (themes, quotes, images, videos, guidelines for spiritual exercises, and more) online on a blog. More specifically, a closed blog.

What's a closed blog? It's a blog like this, but open only to those whom the blog owner-administrator (that's me) allows in. In other words, it is not open to anybody wandering around the internet. It is not searchable on the web. Random web surfers will not be able to view either the blog or our conversations in the comments. Once you register for the course, I will send instructions on the one-time sign-in mechanism. After that, the blog will always recognize you.

Privacy and community

Do I have to talk to other people on the retreat? I'm a very private person.


Can I get some support here? I'm not sure I can stick to this all by myself.

The retreat will offer you a choice in finding your preferred balance between the solitary and the communal, between privacy and solidarity.

1) You can be private and just read the blog and use the exercises, practices, and quotes on your own.


2) If you are more extroverted and communal or in need of companions on your retreat, you can  share your thoughts, experiences, and questions via the comments function on the blog and engage in conversation with other retreatants and with the retreat facilitator.

Either way, in your participation on the blog, silent or speaking, you must respond respectfully to others and protect the privacy of participants. It's fine for you to say to people outside the retreat "someone in a group I'm in mentioned [issue, insight, dilemma]" but not the name or identifying characteristics of the person or the story.

(c) Jane Redmont
This online retreat is meant to help you find time and opportunity
 to breathe and pause in your busy life,
but not to make you feel guilty when you struggle to do so.

Begin where you are, not where you "ought to be."

(c) Jane Redmont 2014

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