
Thursday, October 4, 2018

And.... we're back!

This blog-acting-as-a-website has been quiet for some months while I took time to reflect, rest, and recover from a long period of eldercare, mourning, and reorganizing. I had felt I wasn't doing my best in my last few online offerings, so I decided to take some time to regroup so that I could offer my very best to you once I returned. I am well and grateful for the breather, and for the rich lives of my parents, Joan and Bernard, who died within six months of each other in 2016 and early 2017.
I'm also in the process of evaluating my online programs, both on my own and by soliciting feedback on the retreats, classes, course-retreats (a hybrid of class and retreat), and support and resource groups. I have been offering online programs since 2012. I will post a link to the survey in a few days and also e-mail it to those of you who have taken any of my online offerings. As always, you are always welcome to write me at or to leave a comment here, at the bottom of this post.
Meanwhile, I will offer a couple of online retreats this fall; information about those will be up on this site within the week.

A fuller schedule of new online programs will begin at the beginning of December of this year.
If you have suggestions or requests, I would love to hear (read) them.

In peace,


Photo: Peonies, June 2018 (c) Jane Redmont

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