
Friday, March 27, 2020

Book group (and spiritual sharing) on When in Doubt, Sing: Prayer in Daily Life

I'm going to be hosting a book group (and spiritual sharing time) once a week online, on Zoom, a video-conference platform with which some of you are already familiar.

The group begins next week, the week of March 29, 2020.

You don't have to have a Zoom account to participate. You just receive an invitation via e-mail and click on a link.

The group will be based on my book When in Doubt, Sing, Prayer in Daily Life.

We'll focus on one chapter (topic) per session. I am also adding to the series a couple of bonus topics that I would have included if I were writing the book today.

Each session will run for 90 minutes. It will be live and we'll be able to see and hear each other.

We can go for less time in any given session if we run out of things to say before the 90 minutes are over, but I want to leave enough time for
a) some brief meditative silence at the beginning;
b) conversation about the chapter and topic of the day with questions and clarifications';
c) sharing of our own stories of prayer and spiritual practice on the topic of the chapter; and
d) a brief prayer, meditation, or poem at the end of each session.
These will all flow into each other, but having a structure will help free us to slow down, reflect deeply, and listen carefully to each other and to the Holy One.

The group will meet once a week but I will offer it  this opportunity on two different days of the week, each at a different time, in order to make this experience accessible both to people in the Americas and to people in Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. I live in the U.S. in the Eastern Time Zone.

You can pick EITHER

(1) the Tuesday group, which will meet at 8:00 P.M. Eastern Time


(2) the Thursday  group meeting at 10:00 A.M. Eastern Time.
I will run both groups if I get enough people signed up for each, and by "enough," I mean half a dozen people or more.
Bear in mind that Daylight Saving Time has already begun in North America and will begin in Europe on Sunday, March 29. Here's the World Clock site so you can make the time conversion from the above times to your time zone.
Both groups begin next week: the Tuesday one on March 31 at 8 p.m. Eastern and the Thursday one on April 2 at 10 a.m. Eastern. The chapter will be the Introduction (pp. 2-9) and we will also have a chance to introduce ourselves.

By happy coincidence, my publisher has been in the middle of an overstock sale this month (going till late April at latest notice) and the book is available for only $3 (list price is close to $20 w/tax). Click here for more information.
The press's website is open for orders 24/7, but the offices have just closed until April 13 due to current coronavirus-related travel restrictions in Indiana, where the press is located. Books ordered now won't ship till after April 13 However, you can buy the e-book version on various platforms including Amazon, which appears to have a sale on the paperback for less $ than the e-book.
If you don't already own the book and you can't afford the cost right now, please write and let me know and we will figure something out (probably a chapter-by-chapter scan sent via e-mail) so you can read the chapter for each week.
There will be no charge for the group itself. Donations are welcome (see PayPal button below) but I want this to be accessible and a source of spiritual formation and support in these challenging times

All you need to do is to e-mail me here and let me know (1) that you wish to sign up for the book group and (2) which day and time you plan to participate each week.
I'll keep posting reminders here of what the topic of the week is so that you can attend one session at a time (you'll still need to sign up so I can send you the Zoom link) if you're not sure about making a long-term commitment. It would be great if you could participate every week, for continuity and for the fullest possible experience, but life being what it is, I know that's not always possible, and the book has a lot of chapters, though they are short!
In addition to the two groups above, I am open to running a group for clergy and other religious leaders, who are especially stretched in these difficult days and may wish to have a confidential group of colleagues with whom they can talk about the book and about their spiritual life and prayer practice. If you are interested in this, e-mail me and let me know! Also let me know what days of the week are good and not good for you. (And save your Sabbath time for rest!) If we get half a dozen people or more, I'll run the group.

Feel free to write me with any questions, either below in the comments, or privately, at readwithredmont at earthlink dot net (or just click here).

I hope this will be a nourishing opportunity for you. Stay safe and well, and remember to let me know of your interest and commitment by signing up via e-mail!

A donation button is below. Donations are welcome but not required.

1 comment:

  1. Bestselling Spiritual Self-Help Books I would like to say that this blog really convinced me to do it! Thanks, very good post.


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