
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Three Twilight Retreats on three Thursdays in Advent: "Annunciations," "What about Joseph?" and "Visio Divina: Images of Advent" (all on Zoom)

Interested in a couple of hours of reflective, prayerful time? 
Join us for one or more of these three Thursday Twilight Retreats
during Advent. All of these will be online, on Zoom.

 Annunciations in Advent: A Twilight Retreat

                                                                                                        (4:00-6:30 Pacific Time)

This meditative retreat will involve a period of lectio divina (a form of the ancient method of meditative "holy reading") using selected readings from the Rev. Dr. Wilda C. Gafney’s A Women's Lectionary for the Whole Church. (Note: all genders are welcome to this retreat!) Dr. Gafney, scholar, professor, and priest, reconfigures Advent as a season of Annunciations (in the plural).

It will also include some text study and some time for silence and prayer.

For registration and payment, click the button below. You don't have to have a PayPal account: you can pay with a card. Note the sliding scale. I will e-mail you the Zoom link once you have registered.



Alan Rohan Crite, "Annunciation"

What about Joseph? A Twilight Retreat

Thursday, December 16, 7:00-9:30 p.m. Eastern Time
                                                                                        4:00-6:30 p.m. Pacific Time

Joseph, Mary’s partner, rarely gets much consideration. He doesn't appear at all in this year's Advent Sunday lectionary (Year C), which has readings from the Gospels of Luke and John, but he's there in the Gospel of Matthew and we hear about him in Year A. He is thus among what I call “the people of Advent,” and it's not just Mary who says "yes" in the stories of Jesus's beginnings: Joseph has his own encounter with an angel. We will read from the first and second chapters of the Gospel of Matthew using lectio divina (slow, meditative reading that moves us into prayer and silence) but also explore some images of and devotions to St. Joseph.

For registration and payment, click the button below. You don't have to have a PayPal account: you can pay with a card. Note the sliding scale. I will e-mail you the Zoom link once you have registered.

Robert Lentz, OFM, "St. Joseph of Nazareth"
(Trinity Images)

Visio Divina: Images of Advent 
A Twilight Retreat
Thursday, December 23, 7:00-9:30 p.m. Eastern Time
                                                                                    4:00-6:30 p.m. Pacific Time

You know about lectio divina (the ancient method of “holy reading,” see above) but there is also such a thing as visio divina -- holy gazing or sacred gazing. We will view, learn about, and meditate on selected Advent images -- from images of Mary and Elizabeth to visions of the messianic era from a variety of cultural contexts.  

Take a break from the pre-Christmas rush to linger in Advent with these visual reminders of creation, incarnation, and salvation.

 For registration and payment, click the button below. You don't have to have a PayPal account: you can pay with a card. Note the sliding scale. I will e-mail you the Zoom link once you have registered.




                                                                    John August Swanson, "Peaceable Kingdom/ Isaiah 11"

We have other Advent retreats, too. See here for a full listing.

Questions? Write me here



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