
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Three EVENING RETREATS in Lent, on ZOOM, inspired by 1) Howard THURMAN; 2) William STRINGFELLLOW; 3) Dorothy DAY

This Lent, we're offering three short Zoom-based retreats.
inspired by three faithful, radical, wise Christians.

(Also several other retreats on other topics in various formats. See here.)

Pick one retreat, or two of them, or all three.

You may register until the day before each retreat. 

Each retreat will be  
on a Thursday evening in Lent, 
beginning at 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time 
Each will last for at least 90 minutes
up to a maximum of 120 minutes (two hours) long.
Each retreat is a shorter, in-real-time version 
of the nine-day ("novena") retreats 
inspired by the same three people.

Thursday, March 10: Meditations with Howard Thurman

 More about Howard Thurman here.

Thursday, March 24: Encountering William Stringfellow

More about William Stringfellow here.

Thursday, April 7: Walking with Dorothy Day

More about Dorothy Day here.

There is a sliding scale of fees, as you will see below. If the "hardship rate" is too high for you, write me and we will arrange for a partial or full scholarship. If you can afford the "benefactor rate," your fees will help make scholarships possible.

Register for the March 10 Howard Thurman retreat 
(by the morning of March 9)  
(And please note that we may offer it again on March 17 
if there is interest, so let me know if you prefer that date.)
Thurman Zoom retreat - pick one rate

Register for the March 24 William Stringfellow retreat 
(by the morning of March 23) 
Stringfellow Zoom retreat: pick one rate

Register for the April 7 Dorothy Day retreat 
(by the morning of April 6) 

Dorothy Day Zoom retreat; pick one rate

 Reminder: The full list of our Lent 2022 online offerings 
(both blog-based and Zoom ) is here.

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