

Jane Redmont has written for newspapers, wire services, magazines, and journals including the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, the Boston Phoenix, the Capital Times, America, the Anglican Theological Review, Commonweal, the Episcopal Café, Cross Currents, the Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Lutheran Woman Today (now Gather), the National Catholic Reporter, Religious News Service (now Religion News Service), Theological Studies, The Way Supplement, and The Witness. She blogged actively from 2007 to 2014 at Acts of Hope, which she expects to reanimate soon.
Redmont is the author of more than 100 articles, writing as Jane Redmont (journalism) and Jane Carol Redmont (academia and Episcopal Church related essays).

When in Doubt, Sing: Prayer in Daily Life 
(Paperback, Sorin Books / Ave Maria Press 2008; HarperCollins 1999, hardback first edition)
Order When in Doubt, Sing directly from the publisher here or at your local independent bookstore.
Generous Lives: American Catholic Women Today  
(William Morrow, 1992; pbk, Triumph Books, 1993)


A selection of online essays  from The Episcopal Café:

"Elizabeth Johnson, Reliable Guide" (with Deirdre Good) (2011)

"An Open Letter to Anne Rice" (2009) 

"Lost Things and the Power of Memory" (2009)

"Incarnation and Suffering" (2009)

"Women as Global Church" (2008)

"Reclaiming the Sabbath" (2008)
(Note: had originally titled this "Sabbath and the Overscheduling of Churches" - editor changed title)

"In Memoriam: Krister Stendahl" (with Deirdre Good)(2008)

Sermons, homilies, meditations

Mary of Magdala, Disciple, Friend of Jesus, Witness, Apostle

Joseph of Arimathea Speaks: A Meditation on the Fourteenth Station of the Cross

Good Friday: A Meditation on the Eleventh Station of the Cross

The oft-recycled Epiphany sermon (with asides on James Taylor, T.S. Eliot, Sadao Watanabe, and Masao Takenaka)

A Sermon for the First Sunday of Advent 

A Sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Pledging Allegiance: Lectionary Reflections for All Saints' Sunday

Preaching on the Akedah: Two-thirds of a Sermon for the Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

More sermons coming!


Acts of Hope

Jane Redmont is a member of the National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981, AFL/CIO.


  1. You may want to know that the url for your "An Open Letter to Anne Rice" has changed and can be found at

  2. Thanks, Barbara DJ, and my apologies for not replying right away. The link you gave me didn't work either. I have now written to the folks at the Episcopal Café to ask for help with that link and other links to 2008 and 2009 essays. Again, thank you.


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