Click on the links below for more information and to sign up.
Links are this color orange -- a different color from the rest of the post. If a course or retreat title is not yet orange, it's that the link isn't up yet.
This blog post will be updated with the remaining live links next week. Meanwhile, the beginning-in-June program information is up, as are two of the beginning-in-July retreat information pages! Click, read, register!
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Idaho road near Priest Lake, (c) Jane Redmont 2011 |
This summer, we are offering three types of online programs:
(1) Five short nine-day retreats, simple and adaptable to your daily schedule:
one excerpt or quotation per dayClick below for information and registration. Try one retreat for starters, or sign up for two right away! (Ask me about early bird discounts and about group rates for your congregation or group of friends.)
one spiritual exercise per day
one prayer or meditation per day
for nine consecutive days
June 15-23: Nine Days with Dorothy Day(2) One five-week class (with a retreat option if you want to add it - no extra charge)
June 26-July 5: Nine Days with William Stringfellow
July 7-15: Nine Days with Howard Thurman
July 17-25: Nine Days with Ada María Isasi-Díaz
August 14-22: Nine Days with Dorothee Sölle
June 19-July 23: Bonhoeffer in His Times and Ours
A 5-week online course-retreat on the life and writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
An adult education class (no grades!) with readings about and by Bonhoeffer, pastor, theologian, resistant against the Nazi regime, martyr. It also includes a dimension of spiritual practice if you would like to add that "thread" to your experience with Bonhoeffer. The format allows for it to be a hybrid of course and retreat, or just a course of readings and online conversation if that is your preference! Minimum of two "check-ins" per week (more if you wish!) but you can check in at any hour of the day or night. Open to all. No religious or academic requirements. Be willing to read and reflect.(3) Two "mindfulness retreats"
One that we've offered many times before...
July 31-September 10: Hurry Up and Slow Down
Spiritual practice in daily life
A six-week, supportive, gently guided online retreat open to persons with any or no religious or spiritual background. One theme per week: Great if you can't take a vacation this summer, or if you are on vacation and need help unwinding, or if you are away for a bit and then have to meet the daily challenges of "re-entry."and one brand new...
July 12-August 2: Spirituality and Social Media
A three-week online retreat-and-reflection experience about our social media practices, rhythms, spiritual or religious content, care, conversations, and conflict.
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Thich Nhat Hanh |
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