Sunday, September 8, 2024

Reminder: Online retreat with the wisdom of Howard Thurman begins September 10

Longing for some reflective time and space?  

Hoping for something that fits your schedule? 

Interested in (re-)discovering the life and words of a wise guide? 

Join us for
Nine Days with Howard Thurman
An online retreat on your own time:

Got 20 minutes a day? 
You will be able to visit the retreat blog any time, day or night,
 for nine consecutive days.
September 10-18, 2024

Scroll down for an overview of Dr. Thurman's life and work
and for registration for the retreats.
The retreat takes place on a blog accessible only to those who have registered. Signing on to the blog is easy. (And if needed, tech help is available from your friendly retreat leader.) For each of the nine days, you will find on the blog:
one short excerpt from the writings of Howard Thurman
one spiritual exercise
one prayer

Conversations can take place in the comments to each blog post, or you may choose to remain silent and anonymous.

 * * * * * * *

Howard Thurman (1899-1981), a philosopher, educator, theologian, and pastor, was an African American born in the segregated South during the Jim Crow era. Nourished by the rich traditions of the Black Church and ordained as a Baptist minister, he was deeply influenced by Quaker thought, especially the mysticism and nonviolence of Rufus Jones. He was also a pioneer in interreligious understanding. His writings --books, prayers, meditations, and sermons-- are rooted in Christianity yet accessible and pertinent to people whose wisdom path is "spiritual but not religious."

Howard Thurman exercised a deep influence on some of the Civil Rights Movement's leaders, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He traveled to India to meet Gandhi in the 1930s with the first group of African Americans to do so. Thurman served as the first Black Dean of Marsh Chapel, the university chapel at Boston University, and founded the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples, a multicultural, multiracial, and interfaith congregation in San Francisco which is still in existence today. Thurman's book Jesus and the Disinherited (1949) predated Black liberation theology by a generation.

See also here.

* * * * * * *

There is a sliding scale for the retreat fees, as you will see below.

If even the "hardship rate" is too high, write me 
so we can arrange a full or partial scholarship.
If you wish to register at the "benefactor" rate, 
your fee will help offset the cost of scholarships 
and will enable me to keep offering these retreats
Thurman 9-day (Sept. 10-18) online retreat - pick one rate
Message (optional):
 Payment is non-refundable and due upon registration. 
In September, we are also offering an online (Zoom) group on grieving and grief. See here for details.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

September, online: 1) Howard Thurman: nine days of insights and practices 2) Grieving and grief: three weeks of companionship


Click titles below for details and registration.




Meditations with Howard Thurman

September 10-18, 202
9 days in a row, 20 minutes a day, on your own time 
on a blog accessible only to retreatants

Grieving and Grief: Three Weeks of Companionship 

September 16, 23, 30, 2024
three Monday evenings, two hours each
on Zoom
sliding scale
supportive, gentle, insightful

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

THE RETURN OF THE ONLINE RETREATS: August and September 2024

Short retreats, long retreats, 
    individual support, group support, 
        explicit spiritual or religious content, no specific religious content -- 
Take your pick!

Some of the retreats are online on Zoom and one is online on a private blog. 

All retreat conversations are confidential.

As always, we offer a sliding scale.

Click below for details and registration.

Grieving and Grief: Three Weeks of Companionship 

(September 16, 23, 30 on Zoom)

Meditations with Howard Thurman: A Choice of Online Retreats 

(August 16 in the morning or August 19 in the evening on Zoom; or nine days online on a blog, September 10-18)


Grieving and Grief: Three Weeks of Companionship (September 2024, weekly on Zoom)

 Grieving and Grief: Three Weeks of Companionship

An online retreat and community of support

Three successive Mondays
on Zoom
September 16, 23, and 30
7:30 p.m. Eastern Time*
(4:30 pm Pacific, etc.)
credit: Harvard Health Publishing  HMS

We all live with grief. Grief has many sources; the death of loved ones --a parent, a child, a friend, a sibling, an animal companion--, pregnancy loss, the break-up of a relationship, emigration, estrangement, leaving a job, losing a job, finding oneself with an empty nest, losing a limb, saying goodbye. Sometimes grief is mingled with other emotions and states of mind: always loss, but also anger, guilt, regret, relief.

Sometimes we experience our grief intensely. Sometimes it is muted. Sometimes we have to identify, remember, or excavate it from where it has been hidden.

Grief is a state of being. It can feel like an object. At other times what we become aware of is grieving -- the reality that grief is a process, a journey, an ongoing path. 
Grief is a deeply personal experience. It can also be a collective reality.
Käthe Kollwitz, Lament (1938-41)

In this series of online gatherings, we will gently walk and dwell together to name our grief and our grieving, to tell stories of loss, to honor memories, to mourn or rebuild spiritual practices, to notice hints of new life.

Each two-hour session will include a beginning with mindful breathing, conversation, some music and visual art for meditation, and a spiritual exercise such as writing or drawing. (No artistic expertise is necessary!) Yes, there will be a stretch break halfway through each session. All religious, spiritual, or non-religious orientations are welcome. Bring your own heart and experience.

Participants should be committed to observing confidentiality.

Registration and payment information are below.

Please note: This is not a therapy group and is not a substitute for professional clinical help. I am an experienced retreat leader, spiritual director, and group facilitator with five decades of experience in pastoral care, but I am not a licensed psychotherapist. Sometimes grief is complicated and can lead to or coexist with depression and other challenges in mental and emotional health --and with some physical symptoms. Do not hesitate to seek professional help if you need it. 
Note that there are three fee options: regular, benefactor, and hardship. Please write me, Jane Redmont, if even the hardship fee is too much, and we can arrange for partial or full scholarship. The benefactor rate helps make scholarships available.
* This group meets on Mondays at 7:30 pm Eastern Time (4:30 Pacific Time). If you cannot make it in the evening, but would prefer a daytime group, please let me know via email; if there is enough interest, I can make a second group on Mondays at 11:00 a.m. Eastern (8:00 a.m. Pacific).

Grieving and Grief Zoom group - Sept. 16, 23, and 30, 2024
Message (optional):
(c) Jane Redmont
In August and September, we are also offering online retreats inspired by the wisdom of Howard Thurman. See here for details.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Meditations with Howard Thurman: a choice of online retreats

Longing for some reflective time and space? Hoping for something that fits your schedule? Interested in (re-)discovering the life and words a wise guide? 
Join us for one (or two) 
of the following three
online retreats.

Scroll down for an overview of Dr. Thurman's life and work
and for registration for the retreats..

A LABOR DAY NOTE: OPTIONS 1 and 2 are now past.
Option 3 below is still ahead of us. Sign up now!

Option 1:

Meditations with Howard Thurman

A morning retreat on Zoom

Friday, August 16, 2024

at 7:30 a.m. Pacific Time / 8:30 Mountain Time / 
9:30 Central Time / 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time
(hello, early birds!)
We will spend two hours listening to selected reflections by Howard Thurman, pondering them in meditative silence, sharing some of our responses in conversation, and enjoying some related images and music. (Yes, there will be a little stretch break in the middle.)

Option 2: 

Meditations with Howard Thurman

An evening retreat on Zoom

Monday, August 19, 2024

at 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time / 6:30 Mountain Time / 
7:30 Central Time / 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time
(hello, East Coast night owls!)

Same content as in Option 1: We will spend two hours listening to selected reflections by Howard Thurman, pondering them in meditative silence, sharing some of our responses in conversation, and enjoying some related images and music. (Yes, there will be a little stretch break in the middle.)
Option 3:

Nine Days with Howard Thurman
An online retreat on your own time
September 10-18, 2024
Got 20 minutes a day? Visit the retreat blog any time, day or night,
 for nine consecutive days
The retreat takes place on a blog accessible only to those who have registered. Signing on to the blog is easy. (And if needed, tech help is available from your friendly retreat leader.) For each of the nine days, you will find on the blog:
one short excerpt from the writings of Howard Thurman
one spiritual exercise
one prayer

Conversations can take place in the comments to each blog post, or you may choose to remain silent and anonymous.

 * * * * * * *

Howard Thurman (1899-1981), a philosopher, educator, theologian, and pastor, was an African American born in the segregated South during the Jim Crow era. Nourished by the rich traditions of the Black Church and ordained as a Baptist minister, he was deeply influenced by Quaker thought, especially the mysticism and nonviolence of Rufus Jones. He was also a pioneer in interreligious understanding. His writings --books, prayers, meditations, and sermons-- are rooted in Christianity yet accessible and pertinent to people whose wisdom path is "spiritual but not religious."

Howard Thurman exercised a deep influence on some of the Civil Rights Movement's leaders, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He traveled to India to meet Gandhi in the 1930s with the first group of African Americans to do so. Thurman served as the first Black Dean of Marsh Chapel, the university chapel at Boston University, and founded the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples, a multicultural, multiracial, and interfaith congregation in San Francisco which is still in existence today. Thurman's book Jesus and the Disinherited (1949) predated Black liberation theology by a generation.

See also here.

* * * * * * *

There is a sliding scale for the retreat fees, as you will see below.

If even the "hardship rate" is too high, write me 
so we can arrange a full or partial scholarship.
If you wish to register at the "benefactor" rate, 
your fee will help offset the cost of scholarships 
and will enable me to keep offering these retreats
Remember there are three options. 
Sign up for the one you want!


Thurman morning retreat 08/16/24 Zoom - pick one rate
Message (optional):
Thurman evening retreat 08/19/24 Zoom - pick one rate
Message (optional):
Thurman 9-day (Sept. 10-18) online retreat - pick one rate
Message (optional):
 Payment is non-refundable and due upon registration. 
In August and September, we are also offering an online (Zoom) group on grieving and grief. See here for details.

Friday, February 17, 2023


Join us for one or more of these online offerings --some longer, some shorter-- for spiritual reflection, deep learning, prayer, and daily practice

Click on the links at the titles below (first line of each title) to learn more about each offering: three retreats, one course-retreat.


A Healing Lent 

February 26-April 1 


but we're on for the other retreats, which begin

 later in the season. See below!


Living Ancient Practices Today 

March 8-25


a retreat for 

marginal, committed, radical, and/or curious Christians

March 23-31


Challenge and Wonder

 a course-retreat *

 April 19-June 23 

* Less reading and more spiritual practice than a course (class), more reading and critical thinking than a retreat. Open to persons of any (or no) religious background.

Click on the titles above for details and registration.

RE-MEMBERING OUR LIVES: A HEALING LENT - online retreat begins February 26

For other offerings from Redmont Retreats this winter and spring, 
including some shorter, later-beginning Lenten retreats 
and one course-retreat, click here.



Sunday, February 26 * 

to Saturday, April 1 


But click above (on the word "here")

for the other retreats, 

which don't start till March 8 and March 23.

(c) Jane Redmont 2016

Three years into the COVID pandemic...

"I'm still emerging and reorganizing and reinventing."

"The pandemic for me was profoundly disorienting and dislocating -- and yet also profoundly orienting and locating."

"Everyone was isolated. My question became, how do we connect with other people when we can't connect physically?"

"People are grieving their way out of that isolation."
"I'm not in the same body I was three years ago. How I am in community, what I see in community. How I see the world. All these things have changed."
"It's not just the COVID pandemic. There's been a racial reckoning. A sharper awareness of the climate crisis. And there's still an epidemic of gun violence."

"It was a kind of re-awakening for me."
"I want to go back to the way it was before."

"How can we find new ways of being church?"

"I am looking for what attends to my soul. I have explored more. My life has become hybrid in more than one way. Technologically, physically, and spiritually, in my religious affiliation. I am involved in multiple communities."

"We're never going back to the way it was before."
 "I've had to rearrange my life -- including my inner life and my spiritual practices."

"It's been like one long Lent."

Does any of this sound familiar?

join us for



(c) Jane Redmont 2019

What and How






These are basic realities in our lives. Whether or not we observe Lent, we live in our bodies, on this earth, in time, with memory, and in some form, in community.

This online Lenten retreat --not just for those who observe the season of Lent-- will go through the season of Lent with five themes or lenses, one for each week. After a welcome and introduction to our time together, we will journey with one theme every week. We will stay together sixth week of Lent, Holy Week, when the realities of suffering, injustice, death, trauma and transformation are so present, and where the path still unseen leads to an entire season of Easter. Resurrection.

Every Sunday, especially for those who observe Lent, I will offer a (written) biblical reflection inspired by the Sunday readings in the Revised Common Lectionary. For everybody on the retreat, at the beginning of the week, we will also have a simple mindfulness exercise related to our theme of the week.

During the week, the retreat will invite us, on the retreat blog, to ponder the week's theme --in the form of a journal, through a creative activity,  in gazing at an image or two or listening to a piece of music, in silent meditation, in prayer; there will be options from which you can choose. 
Every week, we will notice the present, but also re-member, becoming more deeply aware of how the five realities of body, earth, time (especially Sabbath), memory, and community have changed --or not-- in our lives. We will recall and see connections, and make connections we may not have before. Some of us will see that we are reweaving the frayed parts of our lives, but often with a new thread, a new color, a new piece of cloth --or, if you prefer another metaphor, repairing or sanding or shaping or rebuilding something made of wood or stone or clay.
Where and how
Online (resources, conversation) 
 and in your daily life (anywhere - home, work, outdoors, indoors).

 1)  On the retreat blog. All retreat materials (readings, meditations, spiritual exercises or invitations to practice, music, visual art) will be posted on the retreat blog as the retreat proceeds. At least three times a week, there will be words of wisdom, music, images, and spiritual exercises for you. 
There is a comments space on every post of the blog for you --if you wish-- to share reactions to the offerings of the week or experiences you have had with the theme of the week in your own life

The initial, one-time-only sign-on to the retreat blog is easy.* Once you have signed up a first time, the retreat blog will recognize you and you can check in any time. Only retreatants with have access to the blog, which is private and not searchable on the internet.
2) In live Zoom conversations. This retreat also offers a weekly 60-90 minute opportunity to talk with other retreat participants and with me (Jane, your retreat facilitator) about your experience with the week's theme and with the resources and spiritual practices of each week in Lent.  Your registration on PayPal includes options from which you can choose: A morning session, an evening session (both on weekdays), and, for any who really cannot make it on a weekday, a possible Sunday session.
For both of these online experiences, you will need a computer or tablet and a working internet connection. The bigger the screen, the better: while technically speaking you can view the retreat blog and use Zoom on your smartphone, I don't recommend it.
* Need technical help? Neither the retreat blog nor Zoom is complicated once you've done it once, and even the first time it's not hard. I send out detailed directions on how to sign on to the retreat blog and a link to hop onto Zoom. But if you need extra help and support, I'll be glad to walk you through your first time or to trouble-shoot with you should you run into a snag.
In daily life:

Your life, your location, your schedule: You can read --and gaze at, and listen to-- the retreat materials at any time of day or night, and you can pray and practice according to your schedule and lifestyle. 
It will be good for you to devote a little time every day to the retreat, but three days a week can also work. When and where you practice and pray is up to you. Experiment and see what works. The Zoom conversations will also provide support and ideas. Listen to others And don't hesitate to ask for help.
Registration and Cost
Registration and payment take place via PayPal secure link (below), which takes credit and debit cards in addition to PayPal.

--You don't have to have your own PayPal account to use this online payment method.
--If you prefer making a donation via Venmo, please write me.
--A discount rate is available for those in financial hardship.
--Likewise, the benefactor rate, for those who have the means, helps offset costs and makes scholarship aid possible.
--If even the discount fee is too high for you, please write me and ask about the possibility of a scholarship.
--Payment is non-refundable and due upon registration.
Please pick one
Pick your weekly Zoom time
*IF* I offered a weekend Zoom, which could you attend?

For other offerings from Redmont Retreats
 this winter and spring, 
including some shorter Lenten retreats
and one course-retreat,
click here.